In the workplace, Joey encounters challenges stemming from the presence of a colleague whose attire is reminiscent of a cowboy persona, causing disruptions within Joey’s designated area of responsibility. Meanwhile, Monica and Julie establish a harmonious rapport, albeit with Monica’s reluctance to disclose this development to Rachel. Upon learning of this dynamic, Rachel experiences a sense of discontent. Subsequently, a collective decision is made among the group to challenge Ross to sample breast milk, an act intended to evoke his aversion. In a bid to reclaim his prowess at work, Joey adopts a cowboy persona, symbolizing his determination to excel. A confrontation ensues between Joey and the cowboy colleague, culminating in Joey’s victory, attributed to an incident where the cowboy inadvertently affects a customer with perfume. Rachel extends an olive branch to Julie, fostering the potential for friendship. Ultimately, Ross fulfills the dare by sampling the breast milk.
Did you know?!
• The nametag shirt Rachel is wearing at the coffee house when Monica tells Phoebe they went shopping is the same as the one she wore in previous episode, in a different color. The nametag says “tease”.
• Unofficially, this episode is also known as “The one with Hombre Man”.
• Julie’s hair is much shorter after Rachel sabotaged her haircut in the previous episode.
• This is the first appearance of the set outside Central Perk.
• Emily Procter played an Associate White House Counsel in West Wing followed by Matthew Perry in almost the same role.
• When lying to Rachel, Monica hypothesises that her credit card has been stolen. This actually happened to her previously in “The One With the Fake Monica” (S1E21).
• Emily Proctor ended up starring in CSI Miami as Calleigh Duquesne along with Sofia Milos. Sofia Milos played Aurora, who Chandler dated, in The One With The Butt.
• In 1997 David Schwimmer and Emily Proctor starred in the TV movie Breast Men
• “Hombre” is Spanish for man so Joey is technically the “Man Man”
• Joey’s cowboy outfit is white. Joey is played by Matt LeBlanc or “Matt The White” (translated from French).
• A shot of the World Trade Center is shown six years prior to the 9/11 Terrorist Attrack.
• When Rachel asks Monica who she went shopping with, Monica first says Judy, which happens to be the same name as her and Ross’s mother.
• Running gag: people drinking the breast milk.