Mel and Vera Hughes, a cherished couple from Abergavenny, are celebrating an extraordinary milestone today (Tuesday, March 29, 2022) as they mark their Platinum Wedding Anniversary—70 years of marriage.
The Hughes have spent their entire married life in Abergavenny, becoming a beloved part of the local community. Two years after their wedding in 1952, they welcomed their son Clive and daughter Cheryl, extending their family and building a life filled with love and dedication.
Their family highlights Mel and Vera’s unwavering commitment to the Abergavenny community over the decades. After retiring, the couple became active volunteers at the Borough Theatre, where they served as stewards for many years. Their love for the arts shines through their passion for musical theatre, and Mel’s talent for playing the organ has brought music into their home and hearts.
When asked about the secret to a long and happy marriage, their advice is timeless:
“You’ve got to stick at it. Stand by each other, always. Take the rough with the smooth, and as long as you’ve got one another, you can take on anything.”
To commemorate this remarkable occasion, Mel and Vera will celebrate surrounded by friends and family who are eager to honor their 70 years of love, resilience, and devotion.
The Hughes’ Platinum Anniversary is a true testament to the power of love, commitment, and community spirit. Congratulations to Mel and Vera on this incredible achievement!