The One Where They’re Going to Party!

Phoebe and Monica acquire a van for their catering business. Rachel applies for a position as an assistant buyer. An old friend and renowned party enthusiast plans to visit Ross and Chandler, filling them with excitement akin to that of children; however, their friend ultimately cancels the reunion. Monica writes her first review, prompting a complaint from the restaurant owner. Joanna, intent on retaining Rachel as a valuable assistant, sabotages Rachel’s interview for the new position. Although Rachel considers quitting, Joanna offers her the assistant buyer role within her department.

Ross and Chandler, disheartened by the canceled reunion, are cheered up by Joey, who takes them out to party. Monica impresses the complaining restaurant owner with her culinary skills, leading to an offer for her to become head chef. Joey, Chandler, and Ross, while out partying, realize they have matured and find themselves exhausted and disinterested after a few clubs.

Phoebe is deeply upset by Monica’s decision to leave their catering business but ultimately supports her, knowing it is Monica’s dream. Tragically, Joanna is struck by a cab and dies, jeopardizing Rachel’s promotion as no one else is aware of their agreement. Monica begins her new role at the restaurant, only to find that the staff despise her due to the firing of their former head chef, Emilio.

Did you know ?!

• Last appearance of Rachel’s boss, Joanna (played by Alison La Placa).
• Ross’s age is inconsistent throughout the series. In the first episode The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate (1994), Ross says he is 26, implying he was born in 1967. In episode 3.13 The One Where Monica and Richard Are Just Friends (1997), he says he is 29. In the next season however, in episode 4.9 The One Where They’re Going to Party! (1997), he again says he’s 29, implying he was born in 1968. Furthermore, in episode 5.4, The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS (1998), he says he is about to get divorced again before he’s thirty, implying he is still 29 and born in 1969. Also, in episode 8.4 The One with the Videotape (2001), he claims that he backpacked across Europe in 1983 then whispers to himself “I was thirteen?” implying he was born in 1969 or 1970.
• Some fans of the show have a theory that Sophie killed Joanne by pushing her into traffic. This explains why Sophie is so happy when she walks into the office not only because her boss is dead but because she is the root cause.
• When Rachel and Joanna are discussing Rachel’s desire to quit they are in Rachel’s office and there is a poster on the wall with the name “Tag” behind them. It is an ad for watches. Tag is the name of Rachel’s assistant in future episodes.

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