In 1994, David Schwimmer secured the role of Ross Geller in NBC’s sitcom “Friends,” a series centered around a close-knit group of friends residing in Manhattan. Portraying a lovelorn paleontologist employed at a museum who later transitions to a university professor, Schwimmer initially declined the part of Ross but later accepted it.
Executive producer Kevin S. Bright noted his prior collaboration with Schwimmer, revealing that the character of Ross was tailored with him in mind, making him the first actor to be cast. The show premiered on September 22, 1994, garnering an impressive viewership of nearly 22 million Americans.
He was hesitant to commit to another television series at the time, as he was concerned about being typecast after his previous role on the show “Monty.” However, after some convincing from the show’s creators and producers, Schwimmer ultimately accepted the role, which turned out to be a career-defining decision for him.