David McCallum, the beloved TV legend known for his iconic roles in “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.” and “NCIS,” passed away on September 25, 2023, at the age of 90. Trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, McCallum gained international fame as the enigmatic Russian spy Illya Kuryakin in “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.” His portrayal earned him two Emmy nominations and a dedicated fan following.
Transitioning to a new generation of viewers, McCallum delighted audiences with his portrayal of medical examiner Donald “Ducky” Mallard in the global hit series “NCIS.” As the wise and endearing Ducky, McCallum brought authenticity to the role, studying pathology and observing autopsies to enhance his performance. His dedication to the character and his craft earned him admiration from both fans and colleagues alike.
While his presence on “NCIS” was reduced in recent seasons, McCallum’s impact on the show and its fans remained profound. Remembered as a joy to work with and a consummate professional, his contributions to the series will forever be cherished. As we reflect on his memorable cases as Ducky on “NCIS,” McCallum’s legacy continues to live on in the hearts of viewers worldwide.
“The Meat Puzzle” (Season 2, Episode 13)
It’s tough to narrow down the greatest Ducky episodes, but a no-brainer (or rather, a three-brainer) is this aptly—and horrifyingly—titled episode. Ducky was at his best as he assembled a massive jigsaw puzzle of human parts from three different bodies, and the mild-mannered doctor was pitted against his perfect foils: a failed ME and his truly freaky family of morticians. Evil medical science versus our heroic NCIS pathologist. Of course, it would be the good guys who prevailed when the team burst in to rescue a kidnapped Ducky, who quipped, “What kept you?” after he staunched his own bleeding. This terrifying thriller of a case had some levity too. We met Ducky’s 96-year-old mother Victoria (Nina Foch) and her precious corgis. She was a bit confused when she threatened to disembowel “gigolo” Tony with a knife.
“Broken Bird” (Season 6, Episode 13)
After Ducky was stabbed in the hand while investigating a sailor’s murder, a tragic moment from his past came to light. While working at a refugee camp in Afghanistan, he knew an interrogator nicknamed “Mr. Pain.” Mr. Pain tried to break Ducky’s spirit by repeatedly torturing captives, then making Ducky patch them up. To stop one man from suffering a slow, painful death, Ducky ended the prisoner’s life. “Broken Bird” gave us a rare moment of emotional vulnerability forv Ducky, and the team got a look at a darker side to the usually jovial doctor.
“Recruited” (Season 8, Episode 12)
Meet Dr. Walter Magnus. Great name, even greater actor! Legendary comedian Bob Newhart appeared as Ducky’s mentor and predecessor, who stopped in for a surprise visit. But Newhart’s trademark stammering delivery wasn’t played for laughs. Rather, it highlighted the elder ME’s struggle with his fading memory, much to Ducky’s dismay. In 2011, Newhart talked to TV Guide Magazine about finding his character: “I said, ‘Let me fool with it.’ I was trying to walk a line between being funny and maintaining the integrity of the show.”
“The Tie That Binds” (Season 14, Episode 10)
We get two Duckys for the price of one in this episode. While performing an autopsy, present-day Ducky talked to his younger self (who’s impressed that he’s maintained his looks). Ducky recalled the time he found his mother hiding a naked con man in her closet! They were engaged, but he scared the man off at the time, and he’s worried he ruined his mother’s one chance at love. His younger self assured him he did the right thing, and Ducky learned that mom Victoria did in fact find love again.
“Everything Starts Somewhere” (Season 18, Episode 2)
NCIS marked its monumental 400th episode by revealing the first meeting between a young Donald Mallard (Adam Campbell, above) and an even younger Gibbs (Sean Harmon). In 1980, new-to-America Ducky was driving on the wrong side of the road when he caused another car to crash. Lucky for Gibbs, who had been abducted and locked in the trunk! In the present, Ducky and Gibbs worked a case that connected back to those early days, letting us see both where their relationship began and how far it’s come.