Cillian Murphy, renowned for his role in “Oppenheimer,” is set to star in and produce a new Netflix movie titled “Steve.” The film is based on the 2023 novel “Shy” by Max Porter and will be produced through Murphy’s production company, Big Things Films.
Plot Details:
- Character: Murphy will portray the headteacher in “Steve,” navigating 24 hours in the life of a last-chance school for troubled boys.
- Challenges: The film explores the headteacher’s struggles in maintaining order and coping with the mental health challenges of his students.
Global Release: Netflix has given the green light for the project, and it will be available globally on the streaming service. Filming is scheduled to commence this spring.
Adaptation and Collaboration:
- Novel to Screen: “Steve” is an adaptation of Max Porter’s novel “Shy,” with slight changes to the protagonist’s age and perspective.
- Collaboration: Cillian Murphy’s collaboration with Max Porter dates back to the 2021 short film “All of This Unreal Time” and a stage adaptation of the novel “Grief is the Thing with Feathers.”
Artistic Appreciation:
- Murphy’s View: Cillian Murphy expressed his admiration for Porter’s writing, emphasizing the emotional impact it has on readers and performers. He was deeply moved by “Shy” and sought to collaborate with Porter on a project.
Reunion with Director:
- Director: “Steve” will reunite Murphy with director Tim Mielants, known for their collaboration on Peaky Blinders Season 3 and the upcoming film “Small Things Like These.”
Upcoming Premieres: “Small Things Like These” is set to debut at the Berlinale on opening night (February 15), adding to Murphy’s recent projects.