Blue Bloods announces a heartfelt tribute to the late actor Treat Williams, who left an indelible mark on the CBS police procedural. The special episode, titled “Fear No Evil,” is set to air this Friday, March 1, as the show bids farewell to Williams.
Remembering Lenny Ross: Treat Williams portrayed Lenny Ross, police commissioner Frank Reagan’s old partner and former NYPD detective, starting from season six. In the upcoming episode, the Blue Bloods family will come together to pay tribute to both Williams and his beloved character, Lenny.
A Touching Farewell: As Frank grapples with the loss of his best friend, the episode will also explore the aftermath of Lenny’s passing, with a focus on supporting Lenny’s daughter Tess, who finds herself in a challenging situation.
In Loving Memory: Williams’ final appearance in the show during the last season was a poignant moment, revealing Lenny’s battle with cancer due to his role as a first responder during the 9/11 attacks.
Heartfelt Statements: Treat Williams, who tragically passed away at the age of 71 after a road traffic accident, is remembered for his love for family, life, and his craft. His family’s statement expressed deep grief, emphasizing Treat’s love and respect from both family and colleagues.
Continuing the Legacy: Blue Bloods invites fans to join in this emotional tribute, remembering Treat Williams and the significant impact he had on the show and its audience.