Tom Selleck Reveals the Truth About Sam Elliott

The Singing Cowboy

Did you know that Sam Elliott has a hidden talent for singing? Tom reveals:

  • “Sam has a voice that could charm the birds off the trees!”
  • Sam loves to sing when he thinks no one is listening, showcasing his talent in private moments.

The Hat Collection

One of Sam’s most quirky traits is his extensive cowboy hat collection:

  • “He has more hats than movies!” Tom quips, emphasizing Sam’s love for hats.
  • Each hat tells a unique story, some collected from movie sets, others from his travels.

Memorable Moments

Tom and Sam share many laughs about their time together on set:

  • Remember that time Sam showed up wearing two hats at once?
    • “You never know when you might need a backup!” Sam jokes.
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A Genuine Friendship

Tom has heartfelt words about Sam:

  • “He’s one of the most genuine guys in the business.”
  • Sam is always there for Tom, making him a cherished friend in Hollywood.

The Best Snacks

Not only is Tom a great actor, but he’s also known for bringing delicious snacks to set:

  • Sam fondly remembers the homemade cookies Tom always shares.
  • However, Sam keeps his famous chili recipe a secret!


The truth about Sam Elliott is that he’s not just an iconic actor; he’s a talented singer, a hat enthusiast, and a loyal friend. As Tom Selleck puts it:

  • “Sam is talented, generous, and maybe just a little bit mysterious.”
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