Tom Selleck Ready to Fight For Blue Bloods Season 15-They started a PETITION

  • The 14th season of Blue Bloods, which premiered on Febru….

  • The 14th season of Blue Bloods, which premiered on February 16, 2024, is set to be the last for the long-running series
  • However, Tom Selleck recently stated that he doesn’t want to part ways with the project just yet
  • Now, fans have joined the cause and started a petition to save the show, which has become a huge part of their lives


After nearly fifteen years since its debut in 2010, the TV series Blue Bloods has finally reached its fourteenth and final season, leaving fans saddened to say goodbye to the Reagan family.


However, just as the final season premiered on February 16, 2024, Tom Selleck, an executive producer and one of the series’ stars who portrays Commissioner Frank Reagan, made a statement that he may not be done with the show just yet.

The actor mentioned that although they are aiming to deliver a satisfying conclusion to the story with the 14th season, he wholeheartedly loves the project and will do everything he can to make it last at least a little longer.

It seems that his loyalty to the show has inspired many fans as well. Many people have decided to support his cause and breathe new life into the petition started back in November 2023 to save Blue Bloods from its impending demise.

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Considering that the first three episodes of the season that have been released so far have been quite good, and that the cast of the series remain dedicated to their roles and express their love for the show, it seems too early to call it quits.

Furthermore, the cancellation of the show has nothing to do with its quality, but rather with the fact that it is too expensive to produce.

n light of all this, many fans are hoping that CBS will change their minds or at least sell the rights to the show so that Blue Bloods can possibly find a new home in the future.

Of course, not everyone is equally enthusiastic about all of this, with others believing that the show was good while it lasted, but now it is finally time to say goodbye to the Reagan family and move on to another project instead.

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