The One with Phoebe’s Husband

Six years ago, Phoebe entered a marriage of convenience with a Canadian friend who required a green card, a fact she concealed from her friends. Monica’s discontent over Phoebe’s secrecy escalates, leading to a tumultuous exchange of revelations: Monica’s panties on the telephone pole stem from a balcony encounter, Chandler has a supernumerary nipple, and Joey has a history in adult filmmaking. Ross confides in Rachel, disclosing his abstinence with Julie due to his prior relationship with his now-gay ex-wife. The group collectively views Joey’s adult film, adding a layer of complexity to the unfolding events. Meanwhile, Phoebe’s spouse reveals his heterosexual orientation and impending remarriage, prompting the need for a divorce. Rachel endeavors unsuccessfully to dissuade Ross from pursuing a romantic relationship with Julie.

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Did you know?!

• Matt LeBlanc actually has done soft core porn in Red Shoe Diaries (1992), an erotic anthology series that ran on Showtime in the early ’90s.
• Having an extra nipple is not as uncommon as people may think. As many as 1 in 15 people may have one, which are rarely fully formed, which means they aren’t very noticeable, even on women. They do tend to occur on men more often than on women.
• The first episode with Phoebe’s name in the title.
• Jennifer Aniston (Rachel) and Steve Zahn (Duncan) would go on to appear together in The Object of My Affection (1998) and Management (2008).
• Lauren Tom’s (Julie) husband in real-life, Curt Kaplan has played with Matt LeBlanc (Joey) in Ed (1996) and then with David Schwimmer (Ross) in Breast Men (1997).
• In this episode Ross and his girlfriend Julie have sex for the first time. Ross states in the beginning of the episode that his ex wife, Carol, was the only person he had been with. Later, in the season when Ross and Rachel eventually date and do make love Ross again states Carol was the only person he had been with before Rachel. And, in an even later seasons 8 or 9 it is revealed that Ross had hooked up with a cleaning lady in college before Carol but she was his first!
• Rachel asks Julie “What’s exactly in a Cobb salad?” Jennifer Aniston stated in a 2004 interview, that she and her co-star Courtney Cox had a Cobb salad every day for lunch on set.

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