Kevin Costner Says His HEART Is Open to Love: ‘Could Happen for Me’ (Exclusive)

Interview with Kevin Costner

Interviewer: Hey Mr. Costner, how are you? How are you feeling tonight after 36 years in the making? Is it a sigh of relief or is it terrifying?

Kevin Costner: I’m really happy with the movie. I directed it because I wanted it to be what I dreamed about. If you don’t like it, it’s all on me. If you do, just know every detail was intentional.

Interviewer: You’re here with your family, including your sons who are in the movie. What was it like to work with your children?

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Costner: These parts are valuable, and I don’t just throw them to my family. There are young actors out there who would kill for these roles. They had smaller parts, and now we’re locked together in cinema forever. It’s a moment I’ll never forget.

Interviewer: Back in Dances with Wolves, your parents watched you every day. Now you’re directing your son. How did that feel?

Costner: My parents watched every little league game and everything I did. They set up far away to watch me work. It was embarrassing but also cool.

Interviewer: Why westerns? You’re a California kid, so why this genre?

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Costner: There’s something romantic about having only what’s on your back or horse, but it was brutal. The settling of the West was a clash of people, and we’ve never quite recovered. I made this movie in places that would dazzle the eye.

Interviewer: What’s on the horizon for you personally and professionally?

Costner: I’m focused on holding on to four movies. My eyes are wide open, and I’m sure that people are meant to be together, so that could happen for me.

Interviewer: Thank you, Kevin.

Costner: Thank you.

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