“Donnie Wahlberg Reveals Tom Selleck Got Emotional During ‘Blue Bloods’ Finale: ‘The Waterworks Turned On’”

In a heartfelt moment, Donnie Wahlberg revealed that his longtime co-star, Tom Selleck, got emotional while watching the finale of Blue Bloods. According to Wahlberg, the touching scenes struck a deep chord with Selleck, leading to an outpouring of emotion.

“Tom is known for his tough-guy persona, but when he watched the finale, the waterworks turned on,” Wahlberg shared in an interview. The emotional conclusion of the long-running series moved not only the actors but also the fans, as the show wrapped up years of family drama, loyalty, and justice in a powerful final episode.

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Wahlberg praised Selleck for his vulnerability, noting that it was a special moment to witness. “It just goes to show how much this show and these characters meant to all of us.” The finale brought closure to many storylines, and for Selleck, it was a reminder of the bonds formed over the years on set.

As Blue Bloods bids farewell, the emotional response from its cast proves the profound impact the show had on both its actors and its audience.

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