500 years old well found under the floor in the house, You wont believe what came out of it..??

Colin Stier, a 70-year-old Plymouth resident, discovered a mysterious well beneath his house built around 1895. While cleaning, he unexpectedly found a hidden hole, leading to a 500-year-old well. Stier recalls noticing a sunken floor near a window during renovations a decade ago, prompting his curiosity.

Digging revealed astonishing artifacts, including ancient swords, coins, and a ring, suggesting the well’s age. Stier described the well as approximately 17 feet deep and four to five feet wide. He shared, “When the well was excavated for about five feet, an old sword was found.” As the excavation progressed, a coin from 1725 and a ring emerged.

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Despite reaching 17 feet and encountering water, the mud-filled well hinders further exploration. Stier’s unexpected discovery unveils a centuries-old secret beneath his seemingly ordinary home.

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